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Application Validation

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Mobile Application Validation

Validate your App to guarantee the quality of your product.

How to validate a mobile application?

Mobile application validation is a process that is carried out to ensure the quality and reliability of an organization’s product according to its intended use and in a justified and documented manner.

If the manufacturer determines that the computerized system being used is a critical point or a potential risk that compromises the safety of the product or patient, validation is essential to minimize or eliminate the risk associated with that element.

What to consider when validating mobile applications?

The critical aspects or risks taking into account in the validation of mobile applications are accessibility and control of the end-user, device connectivity, variety of devices and operating systems and integrity, and privacy of information.


  • Ensures standardization of the manufacturing process and data integrity.
  • Ensures traceability and data integrity throughout its life cycle.
  • Ensures compliance with good manufacturing practices.

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Guide for the Computerization of Business Processes. Discover which are the steps to follow to build computerized processes.

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